Surge of interest to REGISTER


Well surge of interest there has been an extension to register ..most people are talking about our young people , that this referendum will affect them the most .It would be interesting to imagine if the voting age was  16 yrs of age  what a difference that might make ? Well if you can encourage any stragglers to vote we have an extension .


Community Led Development

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Yesterday in St Just we managed to help quite a few people sign up.for voting and yes it literally takes a few minutes .While we were there we met a fellow door knocker  who was out chatting to residents in various parts of Cornwall , mostly areas that are struggling  .He task was our favourite attitude “Bottom up ” . As he explained it he was asking to find out what communities development needs were and to inform the development process ..


Patrick Murphy from Community mobilisation fund and Community Rights will be manning a stand tomorrow in St Just to encourage people to register to Vote .There are only a few days left to get registered, it is simple and tomorrow Patrick can give you a hand .Of course how you vote is a matter for you  your friends and family , if you are not registered it is hard to be heard . Since the most recent elections more people are getting involved in decision making and wanting to get their voices heard .The European referendum is a key moment in Britains future , it is important the wishes of its population are taken on board , voting can be one of those ways …..REGISTER TO GET HEARD !