The Team from.CDCO are on the move today . Firstly a visit to.Plymouth to.continue an ambitious project in partnership with Devon and Cornwall Housing to visit several thousands tenants to get a specific snapshot of what life is like  some warts and some all .Of course as Community Organisers the team will also have wider conversations and as we have learnt anything could begin from a cold call .Community Organising  at its core works with residents   from their door step and forward . Patrick Murphy who has specifically been working on the Mobilisation fund will be completing the project in the next weeks . In the meantime one of our team may Knock Knock ……

Community Mobilisation and Partnership Working

C360_2016-06-13-16-08-11-587   Several weeks ago at Transformation challenge award  briefing session Community Organisers from the extreme South West and  CEO NickCoLtdGardham joined in a discussion about  better engagement of communities and residents in the Voluntary sector. This morning caught up with SAFER STRONGER to talk more about resident led approaches , Community Mobilisation and Community Rights . Then how Community Organising could support chamges in approaches to working in partnership with resident,   time flew very refreshing and of course a little bit of Restorative Justice …


Patrick Murphy from Community mobilisation fund and Community Rights will be manning a stand tomorrow in St Just to encourage people to register to Vote .There are only a few days left to get registered, it is simple and tomorrow Patrick can give you a hand .Of course how you vote is a matter for you  your friends and family , if you are not registered it is hard to be heard . Since the most recent elections more people are getting involved in decision making and wanting to get their voices heard .The European referendum is a key moment in Britains future , it is important the wishes of its population are taken on board , voting can be one of those ways …..REGISTER TO GET HEARD !

Toolkit for setting up a Social Enterprise

With the introduction of  The Localism Act  an opportunity for community and social enterprises to compete and deliver certain services came about .. In the pasr many organisations charities and groups were set up because  services failed to deliver adequate services to communities . These ran like medium businesses which sole purpose was to benefit communities . Now some time later  services are becoming more and more compounded . Social enterprises  have emerged to deliver a different kind of community service .  Community Rights  , Localism  has opened the doors to a different kind of business   . LOCALITY offers advice and support to any group or community that believes it would like to challenge service provision and or set up an enterprise to create a better provision .

First steps get together with like minded people to decide what the IDEA is and if it is something you can take on board . There are many different types of enterprise with a wide range of sizes from employing to people to large organisations . First port of call is research and getting some advice ….LOCALITY  have business support officers , regional meetings and can sign post for local support .


Penzance Neighbourhood Plan community consultation

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Patrick Murphy , Jeni Macfadden and Maurice O’Connell were invited to attend one of the ongoing consultations currently being undertaken as part of the Neighbourhood plan .The Plan is making good progress and there have been good responses from parts of Penzance but not all .The discussion was concerned as to why this might be  and what could be done to re engage residents .It was highlighted frequently the frustration experienced from residents who are still trying to raise priorities for their neighbourhood  from previous consultations .The meeting concluded after much debate to ensure that the gaps might be filled but ensuring there was acknowledgment of historical concerns as well as new and emerging themes ..housing and quality of living were key ..we are hoping to offer support to residents to influence the plan in a greater way .